Art for Ukraine

01 APRIL 2022 - 25 APRIL 2022
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80. Eve Ackroyd

Morning Coffee

Oil on linen
30 x 35 cm 
Painted in 2021.


£2,200 - 2,600

This auction has now ended

Art for Ukraine (80/81)


‘My childhood memories of womanhood are contrasted with my now adult self and this continues to interest and drive all my work. Much of my personal iconography is formed from these memories, 80s hairstyles, costume jewelry, triangular bushes, and painted fingernails. In literature and film I seek stories of female friendships- which I find the most compelling and complex of all relationships. I observe women in film, such as Vera Chytilov’s boldly coloured, visually distorted anarchic tales and Chantal Akerman’s real-time observations of women’s inner lives. I have also taken idealized forms from a 1970s Allen Jones calendar that hung in my home as a child, which both disturbed and fascinated me. I draw upon these worlds to create expansive imaginary places, contrasting potent images of my childhood imagination against my adult self, with its conflicting notions of femininity, motherhood and sexual expression. My women are flawed and bright, full of dissatisfactions, depressed but funny, sensual, and single minded . I always want them to be precise, funny and candid.’ - Eve Ackroyd


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